Baby Bumps

February 20, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I climbed out of my truck to a blast of wind off the waterfront in downtown Louisville, Kentucky it was February 10th and freezing. I am pretty crazy and virtually impervious to the conditions when I have my eye in a camera. However, it is rare to find any subjects who are willing to brave the chill let alone pay for the privilege. Babies however are going to make their appearance on their own timetables irregardless of what the weather or season is. So we all grimaced and trooped out into the wind leaving the warm Starbucks behind. 

Carlton Maternity-65High FivesWe did a series of shots of them walking towards the camera framed by the cityscape behind them like an urban canyon. It turned out very well as several of the pictures made the final cuts. In this picture I loved that Bug was in the air to make this high five.

We did a series of shots of them walking towards the camera framed by the cityscape behind them like an urban canyon. It turned out very well as several of the pictures made the final cuts. In this picture I drawn to Bug jumping to make this high five. 

Carlton Maternity-220On The BoardwalkI love getting the whole family involved in the experience. Quality photography is not an end in itself. I feel like the whole experience should be something everyone in front of my camera should enjoy and at the same time be willing to commit to the posing that showcases them in their best light. I absolutely loved this capture of these two. I love getting the whole family involved in the experience. Quality photography is not an end in itself. I feel like the whole experience should be something everyone in front of my camera should enjoy and at the same time be willing to commit to the posing that showcases them in their best light. I absolutely loved this capture of these two. 

Carlton Maternity-309The Clothes AwaitThe starkness of winter with the barren trees and empty flower beds contrasts the growing life that make his grand entrance in a few short weeks. These three will then be four... Everyone is eagerly anticipating the little man that will fill out those clothes with shouts and laughter, throw bread to the ducks and give Mom a heart attack trying to climb in the river after them. The starkness of winter with the barren trees and empty flower beds contrasts the growing life that will make his grand entrance in a few short weeks. These three will then be four... Everyone is eagerly anticipating the little man that will fill out those clothes with shouts and laughter, throw bread to the ducks and give Mom a heart attack trying to climb in the river after them. 

Carlton Maternity-273Celebrate LoveIn the end of the day a maternity shoot is the celebration of the love shared between two people. The resulting family isn't about biology or DNA but it is about building a protected place where tiny bundles can grow in their own individuality into their own person. Life isn't always as ideal as we would like it to be and sometimes it gets a little messy, and the lines get a little blurry. It is my incredible honor to be invited as the storyteller into those life changing moments that redefine who we are and everything in our world is forever irrevocably changed.

At the end of the day a maternity shoot is the celebration of the love shared between two people. The resulting family isn't about biology or DNA but it is about building a protected place where tiny bundles can grow in their own individuality into their own person. Life isn't always as ideal as we would like it to be and sometimes it gets a little messy, and the lines get a little blurry. It is my incredible honor to be invited as the storyteller into those life changing moments that redefine who we are and everything in our world is forever and irrevocably changed. 

Thanks Jamaal, Jessica, Bug and Baby Carlton for allowing me to be a part of preserving these magic moments in your lives. I am grateful and so honored as well. ~ Gene 

The slideshow of the photoshoot gallery:




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