Down & Dirty

September 29, 2017  •  Leave a Comment

What do you and your clients do for the perfect shot?

I have had people say to me "Your job is so easy. You just stand and point a camera and take pictures. It's not a real job."

Ummmm, Say what?

Anyone that's been on a shoot with me can tell you that it is no simple small task to take pictures, nor am I just pointing and shooting.

“If you want something you've never had.
You must be willing to do something you've never done.”
― Thomas Jefferson

This applies to photography. To get that unique shot, that unique location and unique pose, you have to go to places where others don't want to. I always warn my clients that they will leave the shoot sweaty, messy and sore… If it's not painful, it's not pretty.

This client, in particular, was willing to go to those unique places. She climbed waterfalls, was freezing cold, stepped on jagged rocks in her bare feet, but was a complete trooper and was eager to take on the next task. She even submerged herself in the water with just her floppy hat visible. Funniest thing ever. 

It's these kinds of things that believe it or not make shooting so much fun. To see the clients reaction when they look at the pictures and their mouth flies open saying "Omgosh, that's so pretty”

We don't want to be like other photographers. We want to stand out, and we want our brand to be recognized by someone simply seeing our pictures and say "Hey, that's Kismet"


We love what we do and will go anywhere to do it. Even in freezing cold water in the middle of the winter. We may be a little side of crazy but it's the unseen places I want to see.


“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” 

― Albert Einstein


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